Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Conscience of a Christian.

Also known as: The Christian's Manifesto
Just a note, this piece was written by my buddy, Eric Johnson, who co-writes The Daily Disciple, and writes his own blog at The Righteous and the Wicked. I thought it was a pretty clever parody of The Hacker's Manifesto, so I'm reproducing it here. I'll add some comments at the bottom.

Another one was killed today; I just got an e-mail about it. "Men to be Killed as Infidels", "Church Leaders Burned for teaching Heresy".
Damn Christians. They're all alike.

But did you, in your secular, apathetic psychology, and Darwinistic mindset, ever take a look into the soul of a Christian? Did you ever wonder what makes them tick? What forces shape them? What may have caused this spur of belief?
I am a Christian, enter my world.
Mine is a world that begins with school... I seem to be the only one who questions the myths of evolution and the Big Bang...
Damn class rebels. They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to my World Religion teacher explain that all religions take you to Heaven. "No, Ms. Spencer, I understand. I just disagree".
Damn dogmatic hate-monger. Probably got it from his parents. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a book. Wait a second, this is cool. It tells about a Creator God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. This guy is an incredible thinker, and he loved me enough to die for my sins. He teaches me how to live my life, and if I disagree with him, it's because I'm not right with God. Not because...
He doesn't like me.
Or He feels threatened by me.
Or thinks I overanalyze the world too much.
Or worries about what people think.
Damn Christian. Takes his reading way to seriously. They're all alike.

And then it happened. A door opened to a new world. Rushing into my soul, like heroin through an addict's veins, an overwhelming peace is sent forth, a refuge from the day to day nothingness, and emptiness I used to face.
"This is it. I knew there was more to life than this."
Damn Christian. He's just trying to get attention. They're all alike.

Damn right we're all alike! We've been spoon-fed the same ridiculous propaganda and dishonesties, when we've hungered for the truth! The miniscule portions of truth you have let us have, have been tainted, and twisted to meet your wretched needs. We've been dominated by Satanists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that have been willing to stand up and preach this message have been swept under the rug, and labeled as heretics, religious fanatics, or extremists. You remember the death, but forget the message.

This world is a battlefield now...a battle between God the Father, and Satan, the fallen angel. We spread a message of salvation that would be widespread, comprehended, and accepted by most...if the world wasn't run be a bunch of apathetic, humanistic apostates.... And you call use narrow-minded. We search for Truth...and you denounce and invalidate our sense of free thought. We exist throughout races, nationalities, skin colors, and call us bigoted, chauvinistic, and offensive. You wage wars, design explosives, murder children, and the elderly, cheat, steal, tear apart families, lie to us and try to make us think it is for our own good...yet we're persecuted, hated, forced to denounce our beliefs, and even locked away, as criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of honesty. My crime is attempting to spread a message that would shake our world to its core, were people able to see past the simple-minded, pleasurable lies that have been forced upon them since the dawn of your reign. My crime is that of finding a way out of meaningless existence, into something much bigger, more powerful, and more beautiful than anything this world could offer, something you could never forgive me for.

I am a Christian, and this is my manifesto. You may stop the individual, but you'll never stop the Truth. After all...we're all alike.

Note: This is a Parody of a an article called "The Conscience of a Hacker/The Hacker's Manifesto", written in 1985 by a hacker known as The Mentor. I wrote this, not to antagonize those who read and live by the aforementioned manifesto, but to harness the passion and satire of it, and direct it towards a more deserving target.

The Hacker's Manfesto can be found at:

As usual, read and comment.

Your Servant and His,
Eric J.
I love the passion in this. This is the zeal that we all need to have. As you guys go back to school this year, let this Manifesto stick in your heads as a calling to live out. In Christ, you have a huge gift, and He asks you to share it with those around you--to speak the truth, so that they also can leave behind the emptiness that traps them.

While the Church hasn't categorically condemned all forms of evolutionary theory, and the Big Bang was originally a proof for the existence of the Creator, any theory about the origin of the world that leaves God out of it is indeed a myth. Materialistic Evolution (i.e., no God involved) devalues human life. Racism becomes okay because X-inferior-race simply isn't as evolved as Y-superior-race. Violence is permitted, because Might makes Right in the survival of the fittest. There no longer is any objective moral standpoint by which we can measure right and wrong, or even our own worth.

Christ has come to set us free from that relativity, to know the Truth that saves us from our sins, from our oppression, and ultimately, from this dying world. Eric's parody is a call to arms, and we need to answer and bring as many souls with us to Heaven as we can!

God bless.



Blogger Hidden One said...

"Materialistic Evolution (i.e., no God involved) devalues human life. Racism becomes okay because X-inferior-race simply isn't as evolved as Y-superior-race. Violence is permitted, because Might makes Right in the survival of the fittest. There no longer is any objective moral standpoint by which we can measure right and wrong, or even our own worth."

And yet the authorities and teachers of an in society, professors, politicians, judges...racism is taught to be a bad thing, morals, though considerably 'looser' than ours, are still taught, life is given value...publicly, at least. As the consequences of evolution tend to be taught - and understood - (relatively) privately, it makes sense that the 'hidden society' is full of racism, immoral actions, and the devaluing of life. (I evidence the whole Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide debate ehre, with special emphasis on the 1991 Remmelink Report.)

~The Hidden One~

5:20 p.m., September 07, 2006  
Blogger Gregory said...

Hey HiddenOne

Our society teaches these things are evil and wrong, but if you asked any atheist why racism was wrong, or why stealing is wrong, or heck, why it would be wrong to kill them right then and there, they could give you no objective answer. All they could give you would be their opinion on why they disagree with those evil things. And really, one's opinion is only as good as anyone else's, if there is no objective standard.

So yes, even the atheist will tell you that these things are wrong--but he doesn't believe them because of his materialistic view of the world, but in spite of his materialistic view of the world.

Therein lies the difference.
Therein lies the danger.

5:56 p.m., September 07, 2006  
Blogger Hidden One said...

I'm not disagreeing with you-actually, I was adding something and seeing if you agreed with it. I'm not quite sure if your response was intended as a rebuttle or continuance, but I agree with it nonetheless.

~Hidden One~

6:02 p.m., September 07, 2006  
Blogger Gregory said...

Hey Hidden One
I didn't think you were disagreeing with me. I was adding to your thought, about how, even with a materialistic worldview, people still seem to have some sort of sense of morality.

My comments are basically asking the question, "without God, what is the basis of that morality?" And ultimately, it's just opinion. Only with God do we have objectivity.

So I'm agreeing with you, and just building on it.

12:01 p.m., September 09, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just as a side note, I've always enjoyed poking fun at the Darwinian axiom "survival of the fittest." Here's why: if it takes the fittest to survive, then everything that is currently surviving is the fittest. Roll the scenario back and everything that was originally surviving was the fittest and most adapted to its needs. Thus the whole philosophical structure of the theory revolves around a wonderfully imaginative circle. From the start, the theory loses credibility because of its lack of relation to anything remotely sensible.

I'm done.

11:50 a.m., September 11, 2006  
Blogger Hidden One said...

In other words, if I understood you correctly, that which was the best has only gotten better, but why does lots of it seems to have gotten worse? (to which I would agree.)I'm not entirely sure I understand.

~The Hidden One~

6:03 p.m., September 12, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hidden One,

Yes, you could ask the question "why does lots of it seem to have gotten worse?" It would be a valid question, and would fly in the face of the dictum survival of the fittest, for a couple of reasons:

1. We've already seen that evolution taken in its proposed context cannot support the notion that only the fittest survive. When we trace things back far enough, the original lifeforms had to be the fittest, and therefore not needing of adaptation. This is especially true when we take into account the necessary stasis of the earth, and universe for the purposes of dating.

2. If things are getting worse, then what was once fit is now unfit. But as per #1, this cannot be true since the notion of 'survival of the fittest' has to logically mean that at one point only the fittest were surviving. That means there was no need for evolution since what is was already at its best, and most adapted. So unless we are ready to suggest that things are not 'evolving' but 'devolving' then there is no way to answer your question.

Good question!

Aside from that, however, I was making an explanation for the circularity of the idea that only the fittest survive. Essentially, for that proposition to be true it would have to be false; and the only way it could be false were if it were true. In other words, it's a statement that is internally contradictory, or self-defeating. If you like, a more step-by-step approach to the criticism:

1. Only the fittest survive.
2. All living things are surviving.
3. All surviving things are the fittest at living, since only the fittest survive.
4. Therefore, all living things are the fittest at surviving.

The implication from #4 is that there is no room for weakness since all that is alive is the fittest at survival. If this is the case, when we look back in history (according to evolution) what need was there to evolve, since everything was at its best to begin with?

Does that make sense?

Take care,

8:32 p.m., September 13, 2006  
Blogger Hidden One said...

Yes. It seems a little weak from this angle, logic-wise, but I'll leave my questioning and hard thinking for the morning.

(Deos his make sense consideirng my other recent comment at this blog? No, but, then again, does that nto support my reasoning for nto commenting here? I'm so confused...and tired.)

~The Hidden One~

12:08 a.m., September 16, 2006  
Blogger Hidden One said...

Consider all of the spelling mistakes in my last post, too. :P

12:09 a.m., September 16, 2006  

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